Blackjack Quick Reference

Blackjack Quick Reference 5,0/5 3275 votes

Normally, all bets are paid off at even money when playing blackjack, but when you get a blackjack, you receive a three-to-two payoff. If you've bet $10, you'll get paid $15, for example. If you're playing the hand-held game, you should turn your cards over immediately to get paid. The blackjack cheat sheet shouldn’t make your decisions for you but it can be a great reference to see statistically what your best move would be. Not all blackjack tables abide by the same set of rules. Some combinations will have different recommendations depending on the rules of your table. Both land-based casinos and online blackjack casinos that support live dealer blackjack require dealers to take at least one more card with the dealer has a soft 17 showing. The dealer will continue taking more cards—until the house’s hand either becomes a hard 17 or higher, or the hand goes over 21 and goes bust.

Getting started


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Blackjack Quick Reference


String quotes

Shell execution

See Command substitution

Conditional execution


See: Functions


See: Conditionals

Strict mode

See: Unofficial bash strict mode

Brace expansion

{A,B}Same as A B
{A,B}.jsSame as A.js B.js
{1..5}Same as 1 2 3 4 5

See: Brace expansion

Parameter expansions


See: Parameter expansion


${FOO%suffix}Remove suffix
${FOO#prefix}Remove prefix
${FOO%%suffix}Remove long suffix
${FOO##prefix}Remove long prefix
${FOO/from/to}Replace first match
${FOO//from/to}Replace all
${FOO/%from/to}Replace suffix
${FOO/#from/to}Replace prefix


${FOO:0:3}Substring (position, length)
${FOO:(-3):3}Substring from the right


${#FOO}Length of $FOO


Default values

${FOO:-val}$FOO, or val if unset (or null)
${FOO:=val}Set $FOO to val if unset (or null)
${FOO:+val}val if $FOO is set (and not null)
${FOO:?message}Show error message and exit if $FOO is unset (or null)

Omitting the : removes the (non)nullity checks, e.g. ${FOO-val} expands to val if unset otherwise $FOO.


Basic for loop

C-like for loop


With step size

Reading lines



Defining functions

Returning values

Raising errors


$#Number of arguments
$*All arguments
$@All arguments, starting from first
$1First argument
$_Last argument of the previous command

See Special parameters.



Note that [[ is actually a command/program that returns either 0 (true) or 1 (false). Any program that obeys the same logic (like all base utils, such as grep(1) or ping(1)) can be used as condition, see examples.

[[ -z STRING ]]Empty string
[[ -n STRING ]]Not empty string
[[ STRING != STRING ]]Not Equal
[[ NUM -eq NUM ]]Equal
[[ NUM -ne NUM ]]Not equal
[[ NUM -lt NUM ]]Less than
[[ NUM -le NUM ]]Less than or equal
[[ NUM -gt NUM ]]Greater than
[[ NUM -ge NUM ]]Greater than or equal
[[ STRING =~ STRING ]]Regexp
(( NUM < NUM ))Numeric conditions

More conditions

[[ -o noclobber ]]If OPTIONNAME is enabled
[[ ! EXPR ]]Not
[[ X && Y ]]And
[[ X Y ]]Or

File conditions

[[ -e FILE ]]Exists
[[ -r FILE ]]Readable
[[ -h FILE ]]Symlink
[[ -d FILE ]]Directory
[[ -w FILE ]]Writable
[[ -s FILE ]]Size is > 0 bytes
[[ -f FILE ]]File
[[ -x FILE ]]Executable
[[ FILE1 -nt FILE2 ]]1 is more recent than 2
[[ FILE1 -ot FILE2 ]]2 is more recent than 1
[[ FILE1 -ef FILE2 ]]Same files



Defining arrays

Working with arrays





Declares sound as a Dictionary object (aka associative array).

Working with dictionaries


Iterate over values

Iterate over keys

Blackjack Quick Reference Card



Glob options

Set GLOBIGNORE as a colon-separated list of patterns to be removed from globmatches.



historyShow history
shopt -s histverifyDon’t execute expanded result immediately


!$Expand last parameter of most recent command
!*Expand all parameters of most recent command
!-nExpand nth most recent command
!nExpand nth command in history
!<command>Expand most recent invocation of command <command>


!!Execute last command again
!!:s/<FROM>/<TO>/Replace first occurrence of <FROM> to <TO> in most recent command
!!:gs/<FROM>/<TO>/Replace all occurrences of <FROM> to <TO> in most recent command
!$:tExpand only basename from last parameter of most recent command
!$:hExpand only directory from last parameter of most recent command

!! and !$ can be replaced with any valid expansion.


!!:nExpand only nth token from most recent command (command is 0; first argument is 1)
!^Expand first argument from most recent command
!$Expand last token from most recent command
!!:n-mExpand range of tokens from most recent command
!!:n-$Expand nth token to last from most recent command

!! can be replaced with any valid expansion i.e. !cat, !-2, !42, etc.


Numeric calculations



Inspecting commands

Trap errors



Source relative


Directory of script

Getting options


Reading input

Special variables

Blackjack Quick Reference Card

$?Exit status of last task
$!PID of last background task
$$PID of shell
$0Filename of the shell script

See Special parameters.

Go to previous directory

Check for command’s result

Grep check

Also see

  • Bash-hackers wiki(
  • Shell vars(
  • Learn bash in y minutes(
  • Bash Guide(
  • ShellCheck(

No one is sure where Blackjack came from, but it has hit every country by storm and is now considered one of the most popular casino games in the world. You can find it in both online and land-based casinos and on almost every continent. Its fast-paced play and ample opportunities to win call out to all gamers, both new and seasoned. Just like with every game, there is one similar goal, and that is to win big. While most games are left to luck, Blackjack is unique in that there are a few strategies that increase your chances at a winning hand. We will make sure to highlight these blackjack strategies in detail so that even the newest of players can gamble like pros.

We have included a blackjack strategy chart and some expert tips that you can try the next time you decide to work for a lucky draw. All of the following can be used, whether you choose to play online Blackjack from the comfort of your home or at a table within a popular casino.

You might also need to read the Basic Blackjack Rules before moving forward.

Blackjack Quick Reference

Tips for Playing Blackjack

Before we dive in a little deeper, here are some expert blackjack tips to keep in mind while playing:

  1. Learn the basics. Start with the most basic rules and make sure these are solid before going big. Our guide on playing blackjack for beginners is the perfect place to start.
  2. Use a strategy card. We have one below for you to use, but this can help you immensely with your game, and the more you practice, the less you will need it.
  3. Ignore others. Try and keep your focus on your own hand; keep in mind that blackjack is a one-person game and not a team effort.

Blackjack Basic Strategy

First of all, let’s review the most basic blackjack strategies passed on by expert players.

  • The first rule of thumb is to focus on the number 16. If you have 16 or lower, usually it is best to surrender.
  • Second is the split. Always split A’s and 8’s, but never 5’s and 10’s.
  • Third, always double hard 9.
  • Then, make sure to always hit totals below 11.
  • Always stay when you have 17 or less.
  • Do not take a hit on 19 or more.

Following these rules makes the game more of a strategic puzzle than a gamble.

Blackjack Strategy Chart

Still a bit confused? No need to worry. As mentioned, this is a strategy that takes time. Taking the tips above into account, you can also use the chart below as a guide. It may seem like a lot, but after some time you will notice a pattern, associating the action with specific totals.

To use the chart, simply compare the hand you were dealt with that of the dealer to decide whether you should surrender, split, stay, or hit. Use this one as a guide until you start to see the bigger picture and can choose automatically what your next move should be.

Using this Blackjack strategy cheat sheet, you will know when you should Hit, Stand, Double or Split your pair of cards. Make sure to save the image to use it when needed.

Embed Blackjack Cheat Sheet on Your Site

Use the code below to embed the cheat sheet above on your site:

<a href=><img src= alt='Blackjack strategy chart that can be used as a cheat sheet when playing using Blackjack strategies.' width=700 height='642' /></a>

Online or At Home?

Let’s face it, putting these tips into play is much easier when playing online. Many brick and mortar casinos are highly regulated and do not allow the majority of these Blackjack strategies or tips we’re sharing to be practiced. If you’re suspected of counting cards, the casino could ask you to leave as this is against the rules.

Playing online can get you warmed up to the game, allowing you to keep the strategy chart by your side for a quick reference. There are a lot of benefits to playing a lively game surrounded by fellow gamers but if you’re just starting, stay online.

Insurance Anyone?

It has been referred to as the ‘sucker’ of all bets as many expert gamers poke fun at the thought of it. This option is typically aimed at newer players who want to enjoy the action hassle-free. Keep in mind that some dealers or casinos will call this an ‘even money’ bet instead of ‘insurance’ due to the negative associations with that name.

It’s still not a good bet either way, especially as you become more acquainted with the strategies above; you should be able to play smarter and make more reasonable decisions based on your knowledge of the game.

Card Counting in Blackjack

Probably the most known, and most regulated in land-based casinos, is card counting. Many believe it to be complicated; however, it actually requires less memorization than might be perceived. Casinos, both online and on-land ones, don’t want you to win.

At the end of the day, casinos are business ventures, and for them, the more you spend, the better. Some have begun to add multiple decks to make the odds of counting or using the winning strategies more difficult. Try to keep the house edge in mind before making any drastic decisions.

Keep in mind that counting cards may be more difficult to pull off your first few times, but the more exposure you have to a deck of cards, the simpler it becomes. There is a method with 3 easy to follow steps that will let you count as a pro in no time. We have broken them down, so you can start fine-tuning your skills today.

Steps to Card Counting

Step 1. Give cards a value. Do this by making three groups. First with 2-6, second with 7-9, and third with 10-A. As these cards appear, assign the corresponding value.

  • Group One = +1
  • Second Group = 0
  • Group Three = -1

Step 2. Accounting. Here, you will need to keep a total based on which cards are drawn at all times for all players, even the dealer.

Step 3. True Count (Running Count/Decks Remaining). First, you’ll number the decks used in dealing. They will tell you the appropriate time to raise your bet and will let you know exactly when the cards are the most likely to be dealt in your favor.

Looking for an expert opinion? Watch the video from Wired, where they interview Mike Aponte of the MIT Blackjack Team, who describes hi Blackjack card counting process.

A More Conservative Approach

If the steps above are making your head spin, you can try a more conservative strategy that will be of use to all Blackjack newbies. It can be practiced by attempting to grow your winnings little by little instead of all at once. Do this by wagering smaller amounts and taking fewer risks, being cautious of when you hit and surrender.

It may sound super boring, especially for those thrill-seekers out there on the constant search for that once-in-a-lifetime win, but over time, this method will get you comfortable with the rules and strategies.

Martingale Strategy

Contrary to the previous approach, this strategy is the least conservative it gets, prompting you to double your bet when you lose. To get this amount, you first will need to double your starting amount and then when you lose, double the bet you placed. It sounds crazy, and yes, it is risky, but this strategy gives you that rush you may be looking for and a clear starting and stopping point with your wager. Continue with this method until you are back to your beginning amount, steering clear of any losing tragedies.


A little less risky than other strategies, this system can help you manage your money better. It is a systematic way to bet, as you follow this trail of numbers after your first win. For example, after your first win, you bet $10; after the second — $30, and so on following the pattern.

However, you need to stop as soon as you lose, taking you back to the beginning of the system until you see a win again. This method leans more toward the luck of the draw than any other, but it will help you keep track of your bets and keep you playing longer.

Where to Begin

All of this can be a bit overwhelming, especially for those of you who have only played very little. The best way or place to begin is by studying a bit. Make sure to get very comfortable with the numbers within a deck of cards and the blackjack strategy table presented above. After this, we highly recommend beginning online.

Not only can you have charts and your favorite search engine nearby at all times, but you’re also able to take things more slowly and ask for help when you need it. Blackjack is energetic, fun, and gives you the potential to win some serious cash; but the smarter you play, the fewer chances you have of leaving empty-handed.

Final Thoughts on Blackjack Strategies

Sure, there are several other strategies out there, and some may work better than others and may suit some players more than others. Setting clear limits from the beginning will assure that you’re not going to lose it all in one sitting. While these methods are guaranteed to make you a better and more aware player and gambler in general, there is sadly still no sure way to win at every hand. So, many odds are against you from the beginning, including the dealer’s experience, the house edge, and the number of decks used.

Once you have mastered the rules, make sure to be patient in the pursuit of finding and perfecting your strategy as this is something that doesn’t just happen overnight. When trying more complex strategies, like 1-3-2-6 or card counting, it helps to get your thinking cap on and start studying away.

Start with a highly recommended and top-performing online casino that offers you a welcome bonus specifically for blackjack to test it out a bit. Hopefully, this information is more than enough to set you off on your journey with the wonderful game of blackjack. We wish you the best of luck as your knowledge increases and, as always, be sure to gamble with care.

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