Global Gambling Statistics

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World gambling statistics show that around 26% of the population gamble. That means around 1.6 billion people worldwide gamble and 4.2 billion gamble at least once every year. Access new updated reports and statistics for the Gambling Industry in the World. Get the latest trends and understand the impact of the crisis on the market.

As a blogger, I have goals. One of them is to write data-driven posts. What better way to provide informative content to my readers?

  • The global amusements market, of which the gambling market is a segment, reached a value of nearly $511.3 billion in 2018, having grown at a CAGR of 4.5% since 2014. It will expected to grow at a.
  • Yet industry insiders know it is far and away their most lucrative market: according to H2 Gambling Capital (H2G), a consultancy, betting losses per resident adult there amounted to $990 last year.
  • According to ARJEL, a France online gambling authority, bettors gambled USD 436 million on online bookmakers during the 2018 FIFA World Cup tournament while over USD 3.2 billion was reportedly bet in the UK, double the amount compared to the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Statistics about gambling provide a perfect opportunity to write just this kind of post. I came up with the idea for this post a couple of days ago. A friend of mine (also a blogger) asked forfeedback on his latest post.

Here’s what I told him:

Global gambling statistics 2020

The first three paragraphs—your introduction—are boring. Much of what you’ve written is bland to the point of being meaningless. For example, one of your sentences is “gambling games are part ofour culture”.

Well, yeah. So what?

You want to include specific data about HOW those gambling games are woven into our culture. The best way to do this—especially in your introduction—is by sharing specific statistics and datapoints to catch your readers’ interest from the start.

Here’s an example:

King Richard outlawed dice among his soldiers in 1190. Cervantes was writing about blackjack as early as the early 17th century. The word lottery is derived from the Biblical conceptof “casting lots”.


Gambling Disorder Statistics

That’s a data-driven approach to explaining that gambling games are a part of our history.


Global Gambling Statistics In America

Of course, that’s a little bit of a digression. You want to read a post with gambling statistics that you NEED. I offer 7 of these statistics below, along with some commentary and analysisrelated to each of them.