How Many Different Types Of Poker Are There

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The most popular poker game of them all, Texas Hold’em poker is a great way for. Follow along as we research the Top 13 different types of poker games including their popularity, ease of learning and basic rules/strategy. There are 13 ways to choose the rank of the triplet, and 4 ways to choose which of the four suits is not reprsented in it. There are then 48 cards of the other ranks, so there are 48 ways to choose one of them. Finally, you want a fifth card different in rank from both the triplet and the fourth card; there are 52 − 8 = 44 available cards.

Different Types of Poker Playing Styles & Poker Personality

Different Types of Poker Playing Styles & Poker Personality

A player is known by how he selects his hands, which cards he folds and which he/she calls or raises – that’s the primary difference between an amateur poker player and a professional. The starting hands and the betting patterns of a player usually define the type of playing style of a poker player.

Starting hands: Does the opponent play tight (few hands) or loose (many hands)?
Betting pattern: Does the opponent bet aggressive (frequently) or passive (rarely)?

So, there are two factors that define the general playing styles –
i) Tight vs.Loose
ii) Passive vs. Aggressive.

Starting Hands

  • Tight poker players usually play a small number of only the best hands (AA, KK, AK).
    Also, a tight poker player generally plays less than 15% of the starting hands (55 + A7S + , A5s, A9o +, K9s +, KJo +, QJs)
  • Loose poker players usually play a wide variety of hands (A3, T9, 75o).
    Also, a loose poker player generally plays the top 40% of the starting hands (33 +, A2 +, K2S +, K5o +, Q5s +, Q8o +, J7s +, J9o +, T8s)

As someone rightly put it, “Being tight or loose doesn’t necessarily refer to how somebody plays their hand, but merely the selection of hands that they play.

Betting Patterns

The betting pattern is the relationship between betting and raising to calling. Also, you have to take into consideration the risk tolerance factor, as well.

  • If any opponent bets or raises twice as often as he calls, he is known to be playing aggressively.
    Aggressive poker players raise more than call and are not afraid to put chips at risk.
  • If an opponent calls more often then he bets or raises, he is known to be playing passively.
    Passive poker players tend to avoid confrontation and play with a fear of losing.

So, a player can play in four different possible combinations. Here are the 4 basic types of playing styles in poker, which can be displayed in a 2×2 matrix-

  • Tight-Passive: The Rock
  • Tight-Aggressive: The TAG
  • Loose-Passive: The Calling Station
  • Loose-Aggressive: The LAG

Loose Passive (Calling Station)

Loose Aggressive (LAG)

Tight Passive (Rock)

Tight Aggressive (TAG)


      • Play passively (makes few bets, but more calls)
      • Plays a lot of hands (greater than 25-40%)
      • Minimal share of winning players

Strategy: Playing against a Calling Station (Loose-Passive Players)-

  • Bet with good hands only.
  • Do not try to bluff a Calling Station as they will end up calling/raising you anyway
  • Make higher than usual pre-flop raises from a late position if they are sitting in the blinds
  • Don’t play medium strength hands, fold and live to win another day

Even though not totally impossible, it is highly impractical to play in a loose-passive style and make a profit in online poker. The end result is almost always the same – the calling station gets bust.


      • Play passively (makes few bets, but more calls)
      • Plays a few hands (less than 15-20%)
      • Minimal share of winning players

Strategy: Playing against a Rock (Tight-Passive Players)-

  • Go for the player’s blinds with a 3BB raise from late position
  • Play the very best starting hands, don’t raise with weak hole cards
  • Since such players rarely bet, check instead of calling on the flop to see the next board card without staking more money.

A tight-passive player can significantly reduce his/her losses as they refrain from calling often. But, by playing this way, a player cannot get maximum profits on his/her good hands.


      • Plays aggressively (makes many bets, but few calls)
      • Plays a lot of hands (greater than 25-40%)
      • Average share of winning players – high winnings, high losses

Strategy: Playing against a LAG (Loose-Aggressive Players)-

  • Play more hands than usual against a LAG
  • Raise with strong hands on the flop against a LAG, if he/she bets before the flop
  • Wait for the LAG to raise his bets when he/she is sitting in a later position than you

The LAG style of play is most used by professionals while playing tournaments. It is important to note that LAG is a high-risk strategy play and should not be played by just about anyone.


    • Plays aggressively (makes many bets, but few calls)
    • Plays a few hands (less than 15-20%)
    • High share of winning players

Strategy: Playing against a TAG (Tight-Aggressive Players)-

All Types Of Poker

  • You can steal a TAG player’s blinds if you are sitting in late position
  • On pre-flop raises, play only with the very best of hands
  • Re-raise only with the strongest cards (AA, KK, QQ etc.)

Since TAG players bet with only the best hands, they have the highest chance to win the pot when they do play a hand. Most poker pundits agree that the tight-aggressive strategy (TAG) in poker in the most profitable one.

There are also two other types of poker players who have the following playing styles-

The Nit: almost always folds the very few (<15%) starting hands he/she plays. Many Rocks and some TAGs are Nits. Nits only call or bet if they have a very strong hand
The Maniac: plays very loosely and very aggressive player. Don’t go on tilt if the maniac wins with weak cards. But, in the end, the maniac will always go bust.

It’s only by knowing how to master the basics do you become a poker player who is taken very seriously by his/her opponents. Learn more about the basics of poker-

Learn Texas Holdem Poker
Poker Diaries: Online Poker vs Offline Poker – The Similarities, The Differences
Poker Diaries: Best Starting Hands in Texas Holdem Poker

There are many different types of poker games. A short summary of the limit types are described below:

How Many Different Types Of Hands Are There In Poker

Types of Poker Games:

Fixed limit or limit poker: The bet size is limited to a pre-set amount which cannot be exceeded. The bets are usually small relative to the overall size of the pot.

Pot limit: In a pot limit game the maximum bet size is the overall size of the pot. A common pot limit game is Pot Limit Omaha or PLO for short. For more information on PLO see PLO Quick Pro's poker commandments.

No limit poker No limit poker, such as No limit hold'em means that any bet size can be used during any betting rounds. The famous all-in move can be employed at any stage to put maximum pressure on your opponent!

Rules To Different Types Of Poker

The stakes in poker can be defined in two different ways. Firstly, the small blind/big blind amount can be used to define a stake such as 1/2 No limit (or 1/2 NL for short). Otherwise, the value of a 100bb buy-in can be quoted e.g. 200Nl. For deep tables (where the standard buy -in is 200bb+) the stake won't be called 400NL, it will instead just be called 200NL deep.

There are many different types of poker game types such as cash games, tournaments, sit and go's and each can be broken down into further subcategories.


Types of Poker Game Structures:

Cash games are the most basic poker format. A player buys in with a certain amount of money depending on the stakes, and with that cash they can bet/raise/call once they have been dealt cards. Players can sit out whenever they want once they are not in the hand without a penalty. This is the best format for the poker player with the busy schedule as it is easy to get in a few hands during a short free period.

Tournaments, on the other hand, require a player to play until either they are out of chips or they have busted from the tournament. If a player sits out their blinds are still taken meaning they will still lose chips despite not being at the table. Tournaments can require a significant time investment so would not be recommended unless you have a completely free schedule. However, tournaments have the largest prizes and can attract massive player pools!

Sit and go tournaments are much like tournaments although they aren't scheduled – they will start when enough players register. Much like tournaments they require a time commitment – a player cannot sit out without playing the blinds. However, they typically are much quicker from start to finish than a tournament. Sit and go tournaments are often good practice for final tables of larger multi-table tournaments.

That is for types of poker games.

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