Pocket Planes Max Plane Slots

Pocket Planes Max Plane Slots 3,6/5 1884 votes

In Pocket Planes, it can sometimes seem like it takes forever to get both experience points and to get more airports. Experience points are needed in order to gain levels, and gaining levels can not only unlock an new airplane to build and give you some free bux, but your level is also equal to the amount of airports that you can own at one time. Read on to find out how to get more experience points, faster, and how to get more airports.


Experience points are given out each time you complete a flight. The number of experience points that you earn depends entirely on how many coins you earn for delivering said passenger. For example, if you earn 500 coins for dropping off one passenger, you will get 500 experience points. Each Bux that you earn from a premium passenger is worth 500 experience points, so premium passengers can potentially level you up the quickest. You can check on how many experience points you need for the next level by going to the stats page.

In Pocket Planes on iOS, you have the option of upgrading your airports, but what advantage does that give you, and is there a finite number of times you can upgrade? Yes, you can upgrade twice. The first upgrade doubles the number of layover slots, and the second upgrade increases by 1.5x again. (So level 3 = 1.5. level 2, and level 2 = 2. The first upgrade doubles the number of layover slots, and the second upgrade increases by 1.5x again. (So level 3 = 1.5. level 2, and level 2 = 2. level 1.) – lemontwist Mar 14 '15 at 12:34 add a comment.

The speedy way to earn experience points, of course, is to have more airplanes, especially ones which carry multiple passengers, and to use those airplanes to max capacity. Also, the further you fly a passenger or a piece of cargo, the better, and if you take multiple passengers or cargo to the same location (every seat on your flight has to be filled by people and cargo going to the same place), you will get a 25% bonus for each of them, which also translates into experience points.

To get more airports, obviously, you have to gain levels to open more airport slots. However, to get another airport without gaining a level, close an airport to make room. Close and airport that you might find to be redundant or unnecessary, even close out an expensive, big airport and open a smaller one instead to make a bunch of money instantly. (you earn half the original cost of the airport when you close it, plus extra if you have upgraded it)

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Getting new planes

Getting airplanes is a whole different story. One entire plane costs multiple bux, anywhere from 16, into the 30s and beyond, depending on how advanced the aircraft is. An aircraft part normally costs 3 or 4 bux, and both can be found in the Menu tab under Market. If you don’t like what you see in the Market tab, it refreshes every 5 minutes.

You can also go to the “Parts” tab under Menu in order to build your own aircraft. To build an aircraft you need the engine, controls and body all from one aircraft. Once you have this down, go to the sub-tab “Build” under Parts, and the option to build it for around 3 or 4 bux will appear next to it. To add another airplane slot, if you run out, go to the airplane tab (the one that is right next to the map tab) and buy another one using coins.

Menu button

The menu button is seemingly teeming with convoluted menu options, but they are all actually fairly straightforward.

The stats button takes you to the stats page about you and your career controlling air traffic. This one is obvious. Events shows you which cities have an event, positive or negative. A negative event can slow down or stop a city, but a positive one can foster a major traffic increase in that city for as long as the duration of that event would last.

The bank allows you to trade bux for coins, The Airpedia button shows what airplanes you have already unlocked, while the Logs button shows you haw many flying horus have beem run over multiple times and the air trafficl

More on the menu

The Market button has already been explained. The flight crew button lets you set up with your very own “flight crew” of friends and race to see who can make the most money and fly the most jobs or miles.

The hangar is where decommissioned old aircraft go when they are no longer in use. You can also sell the aircraft to get the parts back for it, and when you sell those parts, you make quite a hefty profit.


Pocket Planes Max Plane Slots Free Play

Scores allows you to keep track of your totals vs other players’ totals using GameCenter, while Awards lets you comopete against your friends for more wards, just lie GameCenter) Settings let you chance sound and notification settings, while Bitbook lets you read game related tweets, and also tries to get you to sign up for twitter itself so that you can tweet and retweet yourself. Finally, the “games” icon lets people try and find new games on the iOS to play.

Pocket Planes Max Plane Slots Games

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